About BB Innovation & Co AB
This Swedish company, established in 1991 operates within the wastewater treatment in domestic and municipal sector.
Invented and constructed completely new generation of Water Sanitation -Wc - DUBBLETTEN – Sustainable Water Sanitationfor Sustainable Urban Development.
BB Innovation & Co AB has a clear focus on Sustainable UrbanDevelopment. The holistic solution based on the principle of resource recovery in the Water Sewerage and Nutrient Management Cycles for Urbanized Environments.
Water and Sanitation is one of the most important issues in Urban Development.
In the process of wastewater purification significant benefits can be accomplish by Splitting the Waste Flows at Source, in special design Wc - DUBBLETTEN within the building drainpipes systems.
The waste sorting is accepted as an essential part of resource recovery.
- Ca. 80% of drinking Water can be save and
- Ca. 80% Wastewater stream can be reduce
- Recycling of valuable organic nutrients
- Reduce of eutrophication in lakes and enclosed seas
- Reduce of chemicals in Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Reduce of fossil energy in Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Reduce of fossil energy in production of chemical fertilizers by using valuable human urine in agriculture instead of chemical fertilizers.
The ecological balance between urban and rural areas can be successfully achieved according to Sustainable
Development principles as:
Flourishing Lakes and Streams, Good-quality of Groundwater, A Balanced Marine Environment with Flourishing Coastal Areas and Archipelagos.
A Varied Agricultural Landscape by using human urine in agriculture and successfully reducing chemical fertilizer and pestides.